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Objective: The purpose of the article was to explore a mode of stakeholders' discussion arrangement with the support of social media platforms, about the project of a new dark- heritage oriented museum. Research Design & Methods: The study was realized within the qualitative approach and case study method. The project of the new museum in Krakow was selected purposively for analysis. Findings: The results revealed differences in stakeholders' demands, barriers in participative projects as well as how conflicting values are managed. Moreover, the usage of social media may sway the stakeholder's attributes, as well as enhance participation of the other. Contribution & Value Added: The study contributes by analyzing a multi-stakeholder dialogue focused on the wider museum environment. The practice of participation is hard for effective realization, even if stakeholder expectations are similar. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland
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