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Aim/purpose - This paper bases on the social exchange and social identification theories with the purpose of understanding if the internal communication helps to improve organisational identification, supplemented by the effect of perceived organisational support. The exact aim of this research is to gain a better understanding of the internal communication process from the employees' perspective, and to explore how the satisfaction with internal communication influences employees' attitudinal and behavioural responses. Specifically, this study tends to examine the effect of the satisfaction with internal communication on organisational identification. Subsequently, it also aims to investigate the mediating role of perceived organisational support. Design/methodology/approach - This study is operationalised through quantitative approach. The hypotheses were tested in a cross-sectional survey which was completed by 132 employees working in a variety of jobs and organisations in Portugal, mostly in the sector of transportations and storage. The research focused on employee satisfaction with the internal communication of the organisation for which they are working, measured with the Internal Communication Satisfaction Questionnaire. The research model was analysed using SmartPLS, a structural equation modelling tool. Findings - The results suggest that the importance of how an organisation communicates internally is important to encourage the employees' organisational identification. The results indicate also that there is a significant relationship between satisfaction with internal communication and perceived organisational support which mediates the relationship of internal communication and organisational identification. Research implications/limitations - This research is cross-sectional, which limits the causality of its findings. Additionally, the use of filter-question caused a significant reduction in the reached sample size. Originality/value/contribution - This paper addresses the internal communication to investigate the employee-based perceptions. It proposes a conceptual model and supports it with empirical findings. As a result, this study addresses concerns that are the current management fads and addresses the research gap, as only a few empirical studies have previously examined the internal communication as an antecedent of organisational identification. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal
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