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Introduction/background: The pandemic has had an impact on the rapid change in the conditions of the functioning of society, the economy and organization itself. Fundamental changes in decisions have occurred in various areas. The processes of strategic significance are of key importance, which determine the further functioning of society and the economy.
Aim of the paper: The basic aim of writing this paper is to highlight the extraordinary phenomena of the COVID-19 pandemic in the context of the processes of strategic management in organizations. Moreover, the aim of indicating new challenges to managers of a crisis nature was adopted, which must be taken into account in terms of the strategic decisions of the organization at hand.
Materials and methods: The authors utilized an analysis of scientific works relating to the problems of strategic management, together with deliberations in the science and practice environment related to the challenges of the pandemic sphere. Similarly, the survey and statistical research methods were applied in the domain of strategies, and the development of customer service on the Internet in terms of public administration.
Results and conclusions: The research outcome was the indication of the following:
- the development of the Internet in strategic management in organizations with regard to the challenges of the pandemic,
- the utilitarianism of e-administration in serving clients of the administration offices of the province of Silesia (województwa śląskiego - 96 entities analyzed),
- the implementation of strategic management in qualitative and pro-social dimensions. (original abstract)
Aim of the paper: The basic aim of writing this paper is to highlight the extraordinary phenomena of the COVID-19 pandemic in the context of the processes of strategic management in organizations. Moreover, the aim of indicating new challenges to managers of a crisis nature was adopted, which must be taken into account in terms of the strategic decisions of the organization at hand.
Materials and methods: The authors utilized an analysis of scientific works relating to the problems of strategic management, together with deliberations in the science and practice environment related to the challenges of the pandemic sphere. Similarly, the survey and statistical research methods were applied in the domain of strategies, and the development of customer service on the Internet in terms of public administration.
Results and conclusions: The research outcome was the indication of the following:
- the development of the Internet in strategic management in organizations with regard to the challenges of the pandemic,
- the utilitarianism of e-administration in serving clients of the administration offices of the province of Silesia (województwa śląskiego - 96 entities analyzed),
- the implementation of strategic management in qualitative and pro-social dimensions. (original abstract)
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Opis fizyczny
- Częstochowa University of Technology
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