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Introduction/background: The article discusses the subject of group learning among prison service officers based on the example of group supervision.
Aim of the paper: Based on the studies of the subject literature and the authors' own research, an attempt was made to identify the benefits and barriers which accompany the implementation of group supervision within the framework of the prison system.
Materials and methods: The research was conducted in 2020, and the research method was individual interview with a standardized list of searched for information (semi-structured). The selection of study participants was carried out through purposive sampling; the respondents were prison service officers acting as psychologists with at least 15 years' experience in active service, defined as "experts".
Results and conclusions: The respondents agree concordantly that group supervision is a valuable method of group learning, emphasizing benefits such as: expanding awareness, understanding the dynamics of relationships with inmates, coping with difficult emotions, and obtaining valuable feedback. Among the barriers preventing officers from using this form on a permanent basis, the respondents mentioned: budgetary constraints in terms of financing, lack of regularity and cyclicality of meetings, and low awareness among superiors as to the beneficial aspects of supervision. (original abstract)
Aim of the paper: Based on the studies of the subject literature and the authors' own research, an attempt was made to identify the benefits and barriers which accompany the implementation of group supervision within the framework of the prison system.
Materials and methods: The research was conducted in 2020, and the research method was individual interview with a standardized list of searched for information (semi-structured). The selection of study participants was carried out through purposive sampling; the respondents were prison service officers acting as psychologists with at least 15 years' experience in active service, defined as "experts".
Results and conclusions: The respondents agree concordantly that group supervision is a valuable method of group learning, emphasizing benefits such as: expanding awareness, understanding the dynamics of relationships with inmates, coping with difficult emotions, and obtaining valuable feedback. Among the barriers preventing officers from using this form on a permanent basis, the respondents mentioned: budgetary constraints in terms of financing, lack of regularity and cyclicality of meetings, and low awareness among superiors as to the beneficial aspects of supervision. (original abstract)
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
- Higher School of Criminology and Penitentiary Science in Warsaw, Poland
- Higher School of Criminology and Penitentiary Science in Warsaw, Poland
- Higher School of Criminology and Penitentiary Science in Warsaw, Poland
- Higher School of Criminology and Penitentiary Science in Warsaw, Poland
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