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Introduction/background: Knowledge management is becoming of great importance in contemporary business. Diversified tools and methods to analyse business and knowledge processes are being implemented in organisations. In the article, the author presents his preliminary research in the area of knowledge management in the Metropolitan Association of Upper Silesia and Dąbrowa Basin. He focuses on the necessary study to identify knowledge deficits, which allows for the development of a research tool supporting the analysis of knowledge processes in the Metropolitan Association of Upper Silesia and Dąbrowa Basin.
Aim of the paper: The main aim was to elaborate upon a research tool for analysing knowledge management, i.e. a research questionnaire that enables one to analyse knowledge management deficits and necessary changes in knowledge management activities in the Metropolitan Association of Upper Silesia and Dąbrowa Basin.
Materials and methods: The research involves the analysis of source materials, direct interviews with managers and a comparative analysis of business and knowledge processes in manufacturing companies and in the Metropolitan Association.
Results and conclusions: The study proves the need to apply a research tool for analyzing knowledge processes and knowledge deficits. Questionnaire surveys comprehensively covering all organisational entities of the Metropolitan Association are to be utilised to take appropriate measures to improve knowledge management, consequently resulting in higher operational efficiency of the Metropolitan Association. (original abstract)
Aim of the paper: The main aim was to elaborate upon a research tool for analysing knowledge management, i.e. a research questionnaire that enables one to analyse knowledge management deficits and necessary changes in knowledge management activities in the Metropolitan Association of Upper Silesia and Dąbrowa Basin.
Materials and methods: The research involves the analysis of source materials, direct interviews with managers and a comparative analysis of business and knowledge processes in manufacturing companies and in the Metropolitan Association.
Results and conclusions: The study proves the need to apply a research tool for analyzing knowledge processes and knowledge deficits. Questionnaire surveys comprehensively covering all organisational entities of the Metropolitan Association are to be utilised to take appropriate measures to improve knowledge management, consequently resulting in higher operational efficiency of the Metropolitan Association. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Silesian University of Technology, Poland
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