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2020 | z. 148 Contemporary management | 537-550
Tytuł artykułu

Universally Designed Residential Environment for Senior Citizens - Some Guidelines for Practice According to Chosen Research

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Purpose: The aim of the article is to present empirical arguments supporting the thesis that universally designed residential environment (housing estate, building, house, nursing home etc.) if has to be friendly for elderly people it has an inclusive impact on them, liquidates barriers of satisfaction of their needs and also satisfies the needs of other age groups. Design/methodology/approach: The analyses presented in the article are based on the idea of universal design applicable to housing environment. Data used in these analyses come from several research projects in which the author was personally involved as a member of a research team or the head. These are both qualitative (in-depth interviews) and quantitative data (surveys) gathered during the studies conducted on chosen housing estates in Silesia (Southern Poland). Findings: According to these analyses substantial percentages of senior inhabitants of the three housing estates in Katowice may live without needed support in their late years when this support is necessary and crucial. Moreover the respondents of presented studies stated that they experience barriers to their mobility in a building or in their housing estate. As they want to be a part of a local community of their estates and they need more support as they get older some of them desire to live close to young people in their residential environment. Research limitations/implications: As the population of many housing estates are constantly aging and the adjustment of the infrastructure of existing and built housing estates to the needs of different age groups becomes a significant future challenge, SWOT analyses of the estates dedicated to these groups (including senior citizens) should be commissioned by the management crews of these estates. Originality/value: The studies presented in the article show what qualities specific for senior citizens should be included in residential environments currently created and planned for future. The text is addressed to professionals like e.g. sociologists, architects, who are interested in the process of creation of residential environment adjusted to the needs of different groups of inhabitants including elderly people. (original abstract)
  • Silesian University of Technology
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