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Application of Bank Efficiency Analysis To Bank Strategic Management. Part 1. Methodology
Języki publikacji
Omówiono teoretyczne podstawy problematyki badań efektywności banków (zarówno efektywności technicznej, jak i ekonomii skali). Wyróżniono dwa podstawowe podejścia do analizy efektywności: ekonomiczne (zwane również parametrycznym) oraz podejście nieparametryczne. Szczegółowo opisano nieparametryczne metody badawcze, oparte na modelach programowania liniowego (metoda DEA). Zasygnalizowano możliwości wykorzystania wyników badań przez władze banku w zarządzaniu strategicznym. (abstrakt oryginalny)
This is the first of the two papers devoted to the issues of bank efficiency analysis and its application to bank strategic management. Efficiency (productivity) of banks is an important part of the comprehensive bank performance evaluation. In the existing literature written in Polish the bank productivity issues have received very limited attention. In this paper, we have presented the theoretical issues of bank efficiency analysis. There are two generic approaches to bank efficiency: econometric (also called parametric) and non-parametric approach. In this paper, we have concentrated on non-parametric approach to efficiency measurement, based on linear programming models, in the literature called Data Enveloped Analysis (DEA). In the existing studies of banks in general, management implications have received very limited attention as most of them were conducted from the point of view of the administrative authorities. The selection of information and the way it was presented in the existing publications limited its usage to bank strategic management process. In our paper, we have signalled the possibility of applying the results of efficiency analysis to bank strategic management, while in the next paper Application of DEA to analysis of Polish banks in 1994-1995 we will illustrate our proposals with results of empirical research. (original abstract)
- Międzynarodowe Studium Doktoranckie, Akademia Ekonomiczna im. Oskara Langego we Wrocławiu
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