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The realization of digitalization in production companies - currently also referred to as Indus-try 4.0 - aims for reduction of internal value creation costs as well as costs for intercompanycollaboration and plays a key role in their current strategy development. However, relatedstrategy research still lacks to provide operationalized digitalization methods and tools topractitioners with scientific rigor as well as real-world relevance. To challenge this statusquo, we present a scientifically grounded 14-step procedure model including 11 practicallytested tools, developed specifically for real-world application. The model leads practitionersfrom their first contact with industrial digitalization, through the maturity assessment of143 digitalization items, until the implementation of a KPI-monitoring system and a continuous improvement process. We applied and reworked the procedure model during threeyears of application. Validation and Feedback from practitioners and scholars indicate, thatthe model drives strategy development towards objective and data-based decision makingand increases stakeholder engagement in organizations considerably.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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