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Purpose: The aim of this article is the identification of strategic orientation in e-administration using the Miles and Snow framework. This framework takes into account that strategy is a way of matching the organization and its environment, while internal structures and processes must, in turn, follow the strategy in order to successfully adapt to the environment and the organization. We are particularly interested in the way e-administration interacts with its environment. By adoption of archetypes of a defender, prospector, analyzer or reactor? Or perhaps strategic orientation in e-administration is a mix of various strategies at the same time? Design/methodology/approach: Data collection was conducted with the use of the CAWI method, in the period from November 2017 to January 2018. 226 Polish organizations took part in the research. Findings: During our empirical investigation we identified, that the hybrid strategic stances within organizations are the most common. E-administration, in particular, is likely to pursue a mix of strategies at the same time, because it is expected to satisfy a range of conflicting and competing goals, which are judged by an array of diverse stakeholders. Originality/value: Strategic management in public administration in recent years has become more and more important. In the Web of Science, we identified around 2708 articles dedicated to strategic management in the Public Administration section, but only a few examine Miles and Snow strategies.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Warsaw University of Technology
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