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Management in retail industry is market by diverse set of challenges which effect business performance. However, leadership may play a pivotal role for resolving these issues. Nevertheless, despite the primary evidence pointing at the integral role of leadership and the variety of its effects in retail, the contextualized view of leadership in this industry remains equivocal. Therefore, the following study aimed to contribute to addressing this gap by development of a preferred managerial leader's behavioral prototype in the retail industry, which serves as bases for leadership effectiveness. This quantitative research, based on a sample of 211 employees in the retail industry in Lithuania, presents contextualized insights into explicit leader prototypes held by the followers, demonstrated through their perceptions of preferred leader behavior. The study also emphasizes the role of industrial and national cultural values in the construction of a preferred managerial leader's behavioral prototype. This study unveiled a set of contextualized insights into followercentric leader profiles that both contribute to the cross-industrial and cross-cultural strand of research and serve as direct implications for practitioners. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- University of Iceland, Republic of Iceland
- University of Management and Economics (ISM), Republic of Lithuania
- HSE University (Higher School of Economics), St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
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