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The aim of this article was to estimate the total efficiency of teaching activity carried out in Polish higher education institutions in 2015. The study used the EBM model belonging to the nonparametric DEA method. The output of the education process was measured by the number of graduates of the first-cycle and second-cycle studies and long-cycle studies, the number of doctoral degrees awarded, the number of postgraduate studies certificates issued, and the number of academic teachers and the total value of teaching activity revenue, the total value of state budget subsidies along with fees for educational services and fixed assets. Efficiency measurement was made for two variants: M1 and M2. The obtained research results indicate that on average, the difference between the indicators of the total efficiency of teaching activity under the two empirical models is 0.00. This is due to the fact that the share of budget subsidies and fees paid by students of part-time studies, in the revenues from teaching activity is at the level of 87%. There is also a positive but weak correlation between the total efficiency ratios and financial results obtained from teaching activities. (original abstract)
- University of Gdańsk, Poland
- Warsaw University of Life Sciences
- Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology, Warsaw
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