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Microinsurance provides indigent households with protection against basic threats, especially in developing countries. When compared to the general population, poor households are usually more often subject to risk such as illnesses, accidents or property losses, and are therefore more dependent on insurance services. However, due to their low economic attractiveness, they are often not served by traditional insurance companies. In Europe, particularly Central and Eastern Europe, microinsurance is a relatively new concept that is developing comparatively slowly. Thus, this situation constitutes an opportunity to develop a microinsurance system that can become an active instrument in reducing the risk of insurance exclusion in developing and developed countries.The purpose of the article is the micro-insurance specifics in the aspect of insurance exclusion. The research process required the use of the following research methods and techniques: critical literature analysis, desk research, observation, qualitative methods and graphic presentation techniques of research and analysis results. The main conclusions that flow from the article is an opportunity to develop micro-insurances not only in poor countries. They give the opportunity to increase the insurance capacity of insurers. It is also a chance to have insurance coverage by a larger group of households.(author's abstract)
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
- Uniwersytet Szczeciński
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