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Business innovation faces a number of challenges. There is a certain paradox here. On the one hand, at the social level technological innovation is willingly accepted in everyday life. On the other hand, however, the implementation of innovation at the workplace leads to employee dissatisfaction (and even resistance) and is accepted with difficulty. Given these facts, the aim of the research is to identify the patterns of employee behaviour in resisting the implementation of organisational innovation. The review of scientific literature highlights the main forms of employees' resistance to innovation, i.e. active / passive, open / secret. Research based on questionnaires carried out in nine public transport companies revealed that the majority of employees, although resisting change, behave passively and in a neutral manner; they take neither open / active nor secret actions. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Klaipëda University, Klaipëda, Lithuania
- Klaipëda University, Klaipëda, Lithuania
- Liepaja University, Liepaja, Latvia
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