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The main aim of the quantitative paper is to examine the relationship between organisational culture and the job satisfaction levels of employees working in IT companies operating in contrasting economies, namely India and the UK. The paper adopts the application of Denison's model for researching organisational culture and the Spector JSS survey to determine the job satisfaction levels of employees using the five-point Likert Scale. This study targeted 450 employees (230 from India and 220 from the UK), from whom data was collected through online questionnaires by using purposive, snowball and convenience sampling techniques. Data analysis was carried out using SPSS 23.0. The results indicated that organisational culture does have an impact on the job satisfaction level of employees in the Indian IT sector, whereas there is no corresponding effect among UK IT employees. Additionally, organisational culture has a different impact upon males and females respectively when it comes to their job satisfaction levels in both economies. Finally, organisational culture has an impact on the job satisfaction levels of both middle- and lower-level employees in both economies. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- University of Wales Trinity Saint David, London, United Kingdom
- University of Brunel, London, United Kingdom
- University of Wales Trinity Saint David, London, United Kingdom
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