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Lots of recent studies are focused on innovation; and theory is based on concepts as: innovation, innovative individuals or organizations, innovation potential or capacity, innovation capability. The practice is centered on innovation assessment or audit, and innovation management. In the process of designing the company strategy, it is vital that top managers become familiar with the competitive advantage of their company in the area of innovativeness - as the innovation capability has a leverage effect: if applied, the competitive advantage is considerably amplified. In line with authors research work on firm's innovation potential, the paper aims at applying the DISTEH method for assessing the firm's innovation potential. This method was successfully applied in the case of a Romanian firm active in the media industry. The results prove to be useful for the company managers who are making decisions to enhance its innovation potential and, therefore, competitiveness. The implications are important for practitioners (entrepreneurs and managers) as well as for the researchers and academics interested in developing tools to assess the firm's innovation potential. (original abstract)
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Opis fizyczny
- Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Faculty of Entrepreneurship, Business Engineering and Management, Romania
- University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania
- University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania
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