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Lean Management in Academic E-learning Units - a Conceptual Framework
Języki publikacji
The goal of the article is to present an original framework for lean management areas in academic e-learning units (AEU). State of the art was prepared to analyse knowledge and relations between lean management and AEU. The characteristic of AEU has been sketched and the framework being a merger of lean higher education (HE) and lean IT has been proposed. Lean HE and lean IT have been discussed and analysed in the context of usability for AEU. The list (categorised as for lean manufacturing) of HE- and IT-oriented wastes has been presented considering application for AEU, considering a three-fold viewpoint (administration, teachers/researches, students) and depicting possible areas for improvement actions. The novelty of the proposed framework is the focus on lean HE and lean IT, as IT is the core of AEU. The framework emerged from subjective observations of the authors (grounded in a long history of Humboltian/hybrid higher education model, later the Bologna process) and literature analysis (grounded in a long history of using Anglo-Saxon university model). Therefore, it still needs field research for validation. Nevertheless, it may be considered by AEU as a proposal of a conceptual framework and the starting point for lean management initiatives. (original abstract)
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