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Purpose. The objective of the article is an attempt to present the contribution of the scientific journal "Folia Turistica" to the development of research and transfer of humanistic knowledge about tourism, with particular emphasis on anthropology and (anthropologising) sociology, as both disciplines were important in creating the theory of tourism.
Method. Qualitative research; discourse analysis; query of the published issues of "Folia Turistica" - from 1-1990 to 49-2018.
Findings. The results of the analysis of the journal refer to humanistic knowledge on tourism studied from anthropological, cultural, sociological, (socio)linguistic and interdisciplinary perspectives. Increasing the role of anthropological knowledge in education and studies on tourism is a chance to acquire competences that are useful in understanding various aspects of tourist experiences and intercultural relations. Scientific journals, serving as a forum for the exchange of ideas, criticism and debates, co-create this process, reflect the trends which are popular in the research community and set new paths of inquiry. The profile of subsequent volumes of "Folia ..." illustrates the stages of development of studies on tourism, as evidenced by the presence of texts discussing current issues, theories and methods.
Research and conclusions limitations. The article is based on qualitative and hermeneutic research and concerns one journal, which limits the possibilities of comparing and generalising the results. The analysis allows to identify humanistic issues (including those anthropological) in relation to tourism, without quantitative data illustration of, for example, the frequency of occurrence regarding a given topic, method or theory.
Practical implications. The work may be important for researchers seeking information on the role of the studied journal in the transfer of knowledge on tourism. The conclusions from the analysis show the process of including content focused on the cultural and social nature of tourism, reflecting the development of studies on this phenomenon in Poland. The results are interpreted in a broader epistemological context and may contribute to the debate on prospects concerning further development of interdisciplinary tourism studies.
Originality. This is the first study of this type on the subject of the periodical "Folia Turistica", one of the most important Polish scientific journals in the field of tourism.
Type of work. Review article, supplemented by author's empirical research. (original abstract)
Method. Qualitative research; discourse analysis; query of the published issues of "Folia Turistica" - from 1-1990 to 49-2018.
Findings. The results of the analysis of the journal refer to humanistic knowledge on tourism studied from anthropological, cultural, sociological, (socio)linguistic and interdisciplinary perspectives. Increasing the role of anthropological knowledge in education and studies on tourism is a chance to acquire competences that are useful in understanding various aspects of tourist experiences and intercultural relations. Scientific journals, serving as a forum for the exchange of ideas, criticism and debates, co-create this process, reflect the trends which are popular in the research community and set new paths of inquiry. The profile of subsequent volumes of "Folia ..." illustrates the stages of development of studies on tourism, as evidenced by the presence of texts discussing current issues, theories and methods.
Research and conclusions limitations. The article is based on qualitative and hermeneutic research and concerns one journal, which limits the possibilities of comparing and generalising the results. The analysis allows to identify humanistic issues (including those anthropological) in relation to tourism, without quantitative data illustration of, for example, the frequency of occurrence regarding a given topic, method or theory.
Practical implications. The work may be important for researchers seeking information on the role of the studied journal in the transfer of knowledge on tourism. The conclusions from the analysis show the process of including content focused on the cultural and social nature of tourism, reflecting the development of studies on this phenomenon in Poland. The results are interpreted in a broader epistemological context and may contribute to the debate on prospects concerning further development of interdisciplinary tourism studies.
Originality. This is the first study of this type on the subject of the periodical "Folia Turistica", one of the most important Polish scientific journals in the field of tourism.
Type of work. Review article, supplemented by author's empirical research. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- University of Physical Education in Krakow
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- 24, pp. 35-57.
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