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Purpose. The aim of this article is to investigate the characteristics of "Folia Turistica" (FT), covering such questions as thematic profile, authors, and affiliations, internationalization, taking into account the content of issues from the origins of the magazine (1990) to the present (2018).
Method. The aim of the work was achieved through two research methods, which were used in a complementary fashion: bibliometric analysis (in which data that quantitatively expressed the content of the relevant issues of FT was gathered, processed, and interpreted) and participatory observation, from the author's participation in FT's editorial staff.
Results. FT is predominantly concerned with issues in the social sciences, it is closely tied to the humanities, and the natural sciences are also present, though this profile has changed over time. Contributors to FT have included more than 400 Polish authors over thirty years, representing almost ninety schools, from academies of physical education and universities to economic, agriculture, natural science, and technical colleges, and others. Though the number of foreign authors is limited, we should stress that they represent academies on four continents, and in many cases are figures with very high positions in the international community.
Research and conclusions limitations. The limitations derive from the properties of the methods used, primarily displayed in the identification of FT's thematic profile. This arbitrarily identified profile subordinates every article to a single overriding field of study - while many articles published in FT are multi- or interdisciplinary.
Practical implications. This diagnosis of FT includes postulates for how the magazine might develop in the future.
Originality. The specialist literature (especially Polish) fairly seldom makes critical evaluations of scholarly publications.
Type of article. Empirical. (original abstract)
Method. The aim of the work was achieved through two research methods, which were used in a complementary fashion: bibliometric analysis (in which data that quantitatively expressed the content of the relevant issues of FT was gathered, processed, and interpreted) and participatory observation, from the author's participation in FT's editorial staff.
Results. FT is predominantly concerned with issues in the social sciences, it is closely tied to the humanities, and the natural sciences are also present, though this profile has changed over time. Contributors to FT have included more than 400 Polish authors over thirty years, representing almost ninety schools, from academies of physical education and universities to economic, agriculture, natural science, and technical colleges, and others. Though the number of foreign authors is limited, we should stress that they represent academies on four continents, and in many cases are figures with very high positions in the international community.
Research and conclusions limitations. The limitations derive from the properties of the methods used, primarily displayed in the identification of FT's thematic profile. This arbitrarily identified profile subordinates every article to a single overriding field of study - while many articles published in FT are multi- or interdisciplinary.
Practical implications. This diagnosis of FT includes postulates for how the magazine might develop in the future.
Originality. The specialist literature (especially Polish) fairly seldom makes critical evaluations of scholarly publications.
Type of article. Empirical. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- University of Physical Education in Krakow
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- "Folia Turistica", volumes: 1-1990, 2-1991, 3-1992, 4-1993, 5-1995, 6-1996, 7-1997, 8-1998, 9-2000, 10-2001, 11-2002, 12-2002, 13-2002, 14-2003, 15-2004, 16-2005, 17-2006, 18-2007, 19-2008, 20-2009, 21- 2009, 22-2010, 23-2010, 24-2011, 25-2011, 26-2012, 27-2012, 28-2013, 29-2013, 30-2014, 31-2014, 32-2014, 33-2014, 34-2015, 35-2015, 36- 2015, 37-2015, 38-2016, 39-2016, 40-2016, 41-2016, 42-2017, 43-2017, 44-2017, 45-2017, 46-2018, 47-2018, 48-2018, 49-2018.
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-, 16.01.2019.
- dissemination-knowledge, 08.02.2019.
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