Tytuł artykułu
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The Role of Innovative Enterprises in the Regional Innovation Strategies : Case of the Regional Innovation Strategy of Lower Silesia
Języki publikacji
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest rozpatrzenie, na ile Dolnośląska strategia innowacji spełnia powyżej opisany warunek pobudzania i wspierania przedsiębiorstw innowacyjnych. W pracy przeanalizowane zostaną zarówno zapisy samej strategii, jak i projekty dotychczas zgłoszone do realizacji w ramach implementacji RIS. (fragment tekstu)
In the European Union countries regions are active participants in innovation policy creation. On the regional level also the aims of regional policy and innovation policy (research and development policy) are formed. One of the common tools for creation of these two policies are Regional Innovation Strategies (RIS). After accession to the European Union in Poland also formed Regional Innovation Strategies, which now are the base for Regional Innovation Systems. Described systems will be the frame for cooperation of the following structures: local governance, research sector, technology transfer institutions, enterprises (especially SME) and financial sector. Lower Silesia as a one of 16 voivodships is also forming such system. However RIS for Lower Silesia is not a proper base for Regional Innovation Systems development. This article presents the first effects and problems on the field of RIS implementation, especially for the innovative entrepreneurs. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Uniwersytet Wrocławski
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