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Objective: The purpose of this text is to determine ways of diversifying the sources of origin and directions for importing natural gas to Poland until the agreement for the supply of Russian gas expires in 2022. In so doing, the growth of extraction in Poland, deliveries from other countries and the partial replacement of gas in the economy with raw materials available in Poland are all analysed.
Research design and methods: A reasonable approach to energy policy, factor analysis and elements of multidimensional comparative analysis were adopted.
Findings: It is important that gas imports to the country are substantially increased in winter and it is essential that the capacity of gas storage facilities, in particular cavity facilities, is increased as well. Furthermore, it is necessary to attempt to reduce energy consumption, with different preferences that facilitate the growth of the share of renewable sources of energy (RSE) in the energy mix.
Implications / Recommendations: This article presents arrangements which may prove to be useful for implementation of Polish energy policy.
Contribution / Value Added: Considerable political changes and alterations to the gas market have superseded a number of researchers' arrangements and forecasts concerning Poland. What is missing is a comprehensive analysis, based on data from 2017 and 2018, of increasing the diversification of gas supplies to Poland. (original abstract)
Research design and methods: A reasonable approach to energy policy, factor analysis and elements of multidimensional comparative analysis were adopted.
Findings: It is important that gas imports to the country are substantially increased in winter and it is essential that the capacity of gas storage facilities, in particular cavity facilities, is increased as well. Furthermore, it is necessary to attempt to reduce energy consumption, with different preferences that facilitate the growth of the share of renewable sources of energy (RSE) in the energy mix.
Implications / Recommendations: This article presents arrangements which may prove to be useful for implementation of Polish energy policy.
Contribution / Value Added: Considerable political changes and alterations to the gas market have superseded a number of researchers' arrangements and forecasts concerning Poland. What is missing is a comprehensive analysis, based on data from 2017 and 2018, of increasing the diversification of gas supplies to Poland. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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