Warianty tytułu
Assessment of the Impact of Public GSM Networks to GSM-R
Języki publikacji
W artykule podjęto się analizy występowania potencjalnych zakłóceń urządzeń systemu GSM-R na skutek sygnałów pochodzących od nadajników publicznych sieci komórkowych. W pierwszej części przeprowadzono analizę przyczyn występowania takich zakłóceń oraz wskazano na ich skutki. W drugiej części przeprowadzono ocenę występowania źródeł potencjalnych zakłóceń. W zasadniczej części artykułu przeprowadzono analizę wybranego odcinka linii E-65 poprzez obliczenie dystansu tych obiektów od linii kolejowej oraz dla wybranego miejsca przeprowadzono obliczenia natężenia sygnału w miejscu przecinania się głównej wiązki promieniowanego sygnału publicznego nadajnika i linii kolejowej. Wyniki badań przedstawiono w postaci tabelarycznej oraz na wykresie. W końcowej części artykułu zamieszczono podsumowanie przeprowadzonej analizy oraz wskazano propozycje rozwiązania wskazanego problemu.(abstrakt oryginalny)
The article analyzes the presence of potential interference GSM-R devices due to the signals comes from transmitters of public mobile networks. In the first part were presented the causes of such interference and their effects. In the second part were described a potential sources of interference. In the main part of the article were conducted an analysis of the selected section of the E-65 railway by calculating the distance of the object from the railway line and to the desired location, the calculations of the signal strength at the point of intersection of the main beam radiated public signal transmitter and the railway line. The results are shown in tabular form and at the graph. In the final part of the article the summary of the analysis and outlining proposal sto overcome this problem were described.(original abstract)
- Instytut Kolejnictwa
- [1] CG-GSM-R(13)035 Bundesnetzagentur; Coordination between UMTS and GSM-R.
- [2] Council Directive 87/372/EEC of 25 June 1987 on the frequency bands to be reserved for the coordinated introduction of public pan-European cellular digital land-based mobile communications in the Community.
- [3] Decision 2009/766/EC: Commission Decision of 16 October 2009 on the harmonization of the 900 MHz and 1800 MHz frequency bands for terrestrial systems capable of providing pan-European electronic communications services in the Community (notified under document C(2009) 7801.
- [4] Decision 2011/251/EU: Commission Implementing Decision of 18 April 2011 amending Decision 2009/766/EC on the harmonization of the 900 MHz and 1800 MHz frequency bands for terrestrial systems capable of providing pan-European electronic communications services in the Community (notified under document C(2011) 2633) Text with EEA relevance.
- [5] Directive 2008/57/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council Of 17 June 2008 on the interoperability of the rail system within the Community.
- [6] Directive 2009/114/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 September 2009 amending Council Directive 87/372/EEC on the frequency bands to be reserved for the coordinated introduction of public pan- European cellular digital land-based mobile communications in the Community (Text with EEA relevance).
- [7] ECC Decision (04)06 The availability of frequency bands for the introduction of Wide Band Digital Land Mobile PMR/PAMR in the 400 MHz and 800/900 MHz bands. Approved 19 March 2004, amended 9 December 2011.
- [8] ECC Report 41 Compatibility between LTE and WiMAX operating within the bands 880-915 MHz / 925-960 MHz and 1710-1785 MHz / 1805-1880 MHz (900/1800 MHz bands) and systems operating in adjacent bands.
- [9] ECC Report 096. Compatibility between UMTS 900/1800 and systems operating in adjacent bands. Krakow. March 2007.
- [10] ECC Report 127. The impact of receiver standards on spectrum management. Cordoba. October 2008.
- [11] ECC Report 146.Compatibility between GSM MCBTS and other services operating in the 900 and 1800 MHz frequency bands. June 2010.
- [12] ECC Report 162. Practical mechanism to improve the compatibility between GSM-R and public mobile networks and guidance on practical coordination. May 2011.
- [13] ECC Draft Report 229. Guidance for improving coexistence between GSM-R and MFCN. Working Document. CEPT. 15 December 2014.
- [14] ETSI TS 100 910: Technical Specification. Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+). Radio Transmission and Reception. (3GPP TS 05.05 version 8.20.0 Release 1999) European Telecommunications Standards Institute. (2005-11).
- [15] ETSI TS 100 911: Technical Specification. Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+). Radio subsystem link control. (3GPP TS 05.08 version 8.23.0 Release 1999) European Telecommunications Standards Institute. (2005-11).
- [16] ETSI TS 102 933-1 Railway Telecommunications. GSM-R improved receiver parameters. Part 1: Requirements for radio reception.
- [17] ETSI TS 102 933-2: Railway Telecommunications (RT). GSM-R improved receiver parameters. Part 2: Radio conformance testing. V1.3.1 (2014-08) .
- [18] ETSI TS 137 104: E-UTRA. UTRA and GSM/EDGE; Multi-Standard Radio (MSR) Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception.
- [19] ETSI TS 145 005 Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Radio transsmision and reception (3GPP TS 45.005 version 12.5.0 Release 12). Sophia Antipolis Cedex April 2015.
- [20] ETSI EN 301 502 V10.2.1: Global System for Mobile communications (GSM); Harmonized EN for Base Station Equipment covering the essential requirements of article 3.2 of the R&TTE Directive.
- [21] EIRENE System Requirements Specification. European Integrated Railway Radio Enhanced Network. GSM-R OperatorsGroup. UIC CODE 951. Version 15.3.0. Paris. March 2012.
- [22] http://www.era.europa.eu/Document-Register/Pages/Presentations-2ndWorkshop-11.11.2013.aspx. Lille. 11.11.2013 r.
- [23] ITU-R P.525-2 ITU-R Recommendation. Calculation of free-space attenuation. 1994.
- [24] RADIO SPECTRUM COMMITTEE: GSM-R Interferences - Contributions from delegations and ERA on issues. Statistics and best practices as a follow-up to the discussion in RSC
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