nr 1088, t. 2 Inwestycje finansowe i ubezpieczenia - tendencje światowe a polski rynek. T. 2
Tytuł artykułu
Warianty tytułu
Repartition and Capital Pension System in the Light of Demographic Conditions
Języki publikacji
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest analiza systemu repartycyjnego i kapitałowego ubezpieczeń emerytalnych w świetle uwarunkowań demograficznych. (fragment tekstu)
Retirement pay and pensions, most frequently, understood as an element of the social policy in many cases means a considerable burden on the public finances.
The article deals with the recent reconstruction as regards old-age security system in Poland. The most important premises for the reform introduced in 1999 were financial problems of the old-age pensions system (aging population, transformation of the economy high unemployment rate, and the like). A starting point for the considerations is identification of the basic condition of the recent state of the reform.
The article deals with the process and costs of modifying the still existing repartition system into the three pillars system. The assumption was also made that the base old-age pension in the future will have to be supplemented with voluntary savings by the households. (original abstract)
The article deals with the recent reconstruction as regards old-age security system in Poland. The most important premises for the reform introduced in 1999 were financial problems of the old-age pensions system (aging population, transformation of the economy high unemployment rate, and the like). A starting point for the considerations is identification of the basic condition of the recent state of the reform.
The article deals with the process and costs of modifying the still existing repartition system into the three pillars system. The assumption was also made that the base old-age pension in the future will have to be supplemented with voluntary savings by the households. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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Typ dokumentu
Identyfikator YADDA