nr 1070, t. 2 Agrobiznes 2005 : zmiany w agrobiznesie po przystąpieniu Polski do Unii Europejskiej. T. 2
Tytuł artykułu
Warianty tytułu
Organizational and Economic Adjustments in Forestry after Poland's Accession to the European Union
Języki publikacji
W opracowaniu postawiono za cel przedstawienie rozwiązań organizacyjnych i zmian w strukturze zatrudnienia oraz podejmowanych działań służących poprawie wyników ekonomiczno-finansowych w sektorze PGL Lasy Państwowe. (fragment tekstu)
Polish forestry has been realizing a concept of sustainable and multifunctional forest management resulting according to the law on forests and programme of the State Forest Policy from 1997.
Implementation of the regulations mentioned above may incur growing costs of activities in forestry due to non-market character of the non-productive, i.e. ecological and social functions which forests fulfill. Adjusting forestry to free market requirements involves its deep restructuring connected with growing personal costs and other factors of forest production. In the analysed period employment in forestry has decreased considerably owing to the development of private services.
Further reforms for improvement of management efficiency will be necessary in the process of adjusting this sector of economy to the EU requirements. It is also caused by progressing globalization and liberating of raw wood and wood product market, and increasingly greater divergence between growing costs of production and simultaneous tendency of declining wood prices. (original abstract)
Implementation of the regulations mentioned above may incur growing costs of activities in forestry due to non-market character of the non-productive, i.e. ecological and social functions which forests fulfill. Adjusting forestry to free market requirements involves its deep restructuring connected with growing personal costs and other factors of forest production. In the analysed period employment in forestry has decreased considerably owing to the development of private services.
Further reforms for improvement of management efficiency will be necessary in the process of adjusting this sector of economy to the EU requirements. It is also caused by progressing globalization and liberating of raw wood and wood product market, and increasingly greater divergence between growing costs of production and simultaneous tendency of declining wood prices. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Akademia Rolnicza w Krakowie
- Klocek A., Ekonomiczne aspekty leśnictwa w krajach Unii Europejskiej i w Polsce, "Sylwan" 2003, nr 1.
- Kocel J., Wpływ prywatyzacji działalności gospodarczej nadleśnictw na przemiany ekonomiczno-organizacyjne w gospodarce leśnej Polski w latach 1989-1996, IBL, Warszawa 2000.
- Leśnictwo, GUS, Warszawa, 1997; 1998; 2003; 2004.
- Państwowe Gospodarstwo Leśne Lasy Państwowe. Raport roczny, GDLP, Warszawa 2003.
- Szramka H., Bilans otwarcia leśnictwa polskiego w momencie przystąpienia do Unii Europejskiej, "Roczniki Naukowe SERIA", t. 6, z. 4, Warszawa-Poznań-Puławy 2004.
- Szujecki A., Polityka leśna państwa i narodowy program leśny?, czyli o pozycji gospodarki leśnej i Lasów Państwowych w strukturze państwa dziś i jutro, Kraków 2004, (maszynopis referatu na konferencję).
Typ dokumentu
Identyfikator YADDA