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Research background: Congruence of employees' personal and organizational values means that the employee both accepts and cherishes organizational values, as well as follows them in daily activities of the organization. Different forms of values in the organization are derived from three subjects (employees, managers, and the organization as a whole). From this perspective, value congruence occurs when employees' personal values match the organizational values, which are supported by the top management of the organization and are acceptable to the majority of members of the organization.
Purpose of the article: To carry out verification of methodological and psychometric characteristics of the questionnaire of congruence of personal and organizational values.
Methods: The survey of employees was carried out in 15 organizations, of which 11 are private and 4 belong to the public sector (N=374), and on the basis of the results of the research statistical and psychometric analysis of the data was performed. By developing the instrument of congruence of personal and organizational values, an analytical reflection method was applied. To conduct the empirical study, the mixed methods approach was employed, consistently combining qualitative and quantitative research methods, substantiating the research results with different data sources and forms. An expert assessment method was chosen for identification of validity of the constructed instrument and suitability of its content. To identify the perceived congruence of personal and organizational values, employees' personal values, the values prevailing in the organization and the climate of the organization, employees' attitudes towards work and organizational performance results, the employees' questionnaire surveys in fifteen organizations were conducted. The sample was formed employing the stratified sampling methodology. To identify the reliability of methodological and psychometric characteristics of the constructed questionnaire, factor distribution, Cronbach alpha and Spearman Brown coefficients, factor weights, resolutions of test steps were calculated and explained. Multivariate statistical methods: correlation and factor analysis, etc. were also applied.
Findings & value added: The reliability and validity of the questionnaire were empirically proved and it is recommended that scholars researching values in organizations and value congruence should use the Questionnaire of Congruence of Personal and Organizational Values for Employees with the authors' consent. (original abstract)
Purpose of the article: To carry out verification of methodological and psychometric characteristics of the questionnaire of congruence of personal and organizational values.
Methods: The survey of employees was carried out in 15 organizations, of which 11 are private and 4 belong to the public sector (N=374), and on the basis of the results of the research statistical and psychometric analysis of the data was performed. By developing the instrument of congruence of personal and organizational values, an analytical reflection method was applied. To conduct the empirical study, the mixed methods approach was employed, consistently combining qualitative and quantitative research methods, substantiating the research results with different data sources and forms. An expert assessment method was chosen for identification of validity of the constructed instrument and suitability of its content. To identify the perceived congruence of personal and organizational values, employees' personal values, the values prevailing in the organization and the climate of the organization, employees' attitudes towards work and organizational performance results, the employees' questionnaire surveys in fifteen organizations were conducted. The sample was formed employing the stratified sampling methodology. To identify the reliability of methodological and psychometric characteristics of the constructed questionnaire, factor distribution, Cronbach alpha and Spearman Brown coefficients, factor weights, resolutions of test steps were calculated and explained. Multivariate statistical methods: correlation and factor analysis, etc. were also applied.
Findings & value added: The reliability and validity of the questionnaire were empirically proved and it is recommended that scholars researching values in organizations and value congruence should use the Questionnaire of Congruence of Personal and Organizational Values for Employees with the authors' consent. (original abstract)
- Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania
- Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuanian
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