nr 1070, t. 1 Agrobiznes 2005 : zmiany w agrobiznesie po przystąpieniu Polski do Unii Europejskiej. T. 1
Tytuł artykułu
Warianty tytułu
Perspectives of Production Development of Poultry Livestock in Poland in Conditions of the Extended European Union
Języki publikacji
Celem publikacji jest przedstawienie i analiza głównych determinant rozwoju produkcji żywca drobiowego w Polsce na tle pozostałych krajów UE. (fragment tekstu)
The production of poultry livestock in the European Union in years 1990-2003 increased about 2,7% yearly, but in Poland about 8,4 %. Poland is in the middle scale of poultry production in comparison with the other producers in EU but is a leader among the new countries of EU.
The consumption of poultry meat in Poland per capita varied from 7,6 in year 1990 to 20,0 kg in year 2003, what means increase of about 0,9 kg yearly. In the European Union the consumption of poultry increased from 18,5 kg per capita in year 1990 to 23,0 kg in year 2003, that is on average about 0,38 kg per capita yearly.
The export of poultry products from Poland to EU markets shows an increased tendency. It is estimated that the production of poultry in the EU as well as in Poland will have an increasing trend. (original abstact)
The consumption of poultry meat in Poland per capita varied from 7,6 in year 1990 to 20,0 kg in year 2003, what means increase of about 0,9 kg yearly. In the European Union the consumption of poultry increased from 18,5 kg per capita in year 1990 to 23,0 kg in year 2003, that is on average about 0,38 kg per capita yearly.
The export of poultry products from Poland to EU markets shows an increased tendency. It is estimated that the production of poultry in the EU as well as in Poland will have an increasing trend. (original abstact)
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
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Typ dokumentu
Identyfikator YADDA