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The main goal of the article is to indicate the place and importance of the CSR concept in building customer capital, with a particular emphasis on the brewing sector. The considerations are focused on proving the thesis assuming the necessity of basing the business strategy on the foundation of corporate social responsibility. In the perspective of enterprises in the brewing sector, this is connected with the necessity to change the structure of the market offer in favor of the products enabling the reduction of social costs, resulting from an excessive consumption and taking actions aimed at creating a pattern of behavior that will be perceived by the customers as authentic and consistent. On the basis of literature studies, results of own surveys, analyses of industry materials, including the reports on the social responsibility of the leaders of the brewing market in Poland, this thesis has been proved. The business model of the leaders of the brewing market is based on the CSR foundation. However, the basic problem of the industry is its effective market communication. The actions resulting in the change of the market offer in favor of low-alcohol products and creating a responsible culture of consumption from the perspective of customers are perceived as typical business activities. The condition for achieving above-average benefits is to create and offer distinctive values on the market, which requires focusing activities not only on improving communication with customers, but also building relationships based on trust. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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