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The aim of the presented study is the diagnosis of the effects of the operational activity of regional cultural organizations in the context of accessibility. The diagnosis is also a study of the condition of the public finance sector and an attempt to find indicators (variables) determining the most effective financing methods for an operational activity of cultural organizations. For this purpose, the authors developed indicators determining an efficient activity of regional theatres as public culture organizations. Identification of variables, which may be the basis for objective procedures for subsidizing cultural organizations in Poland, was set as the supporting purpose in this article. The authors share the view, that accessibility is the primary factor determining the efficiency of public cultural services. Hellwig's method of the capacity of indicators information and development was used to identify efficiency drivers for public Theaters as performing art organizations. Ranking based on financial and operational metrics led to best organizations' exemplar that can play a model role. The study showed the most impactful indicators like the subsidy to the theater-goer, number of performances, and the number of citizens for each seat in the auditorium. The use of Hellwig's method, the selection of variables and the creation of a ranking of the theaters were our original contribution. Further research will focus on exploring other concepts of accessibility testing and expanding data with qualitative metrics. (original abstract)
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