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Hedonic Regression and Conjoint Measurement Method as a Tool for Price Policy Improvement
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Informacje o użytecznościach cząstkowych i całkowitych, które są rodzajem informacji o mierze preferencji konsumentów przyporządkowywanych potencjalnym, przyszłym cechom produktu (oferty), zestawione ze zróżnicowaniem w postaci prognozowanych segmentów rynkowych oraz wyestymowane - na podstawie cen realnie płaconych w przeszłości, wyceny poszczególnych charakterystyk produktu stają się potężnym narzędziem optymalizacji projektowania polityki cenowej produktu. Pozwala to zdecydować, czy dywersyfikować cenę w poszczególnych segmentach, a jeśli tak, to jak ją zaprojektować. Możliwe jest również prognozowanie wyniku segmentacji polityki cenowej. (fragment tekstu)
Both conjoint measurement technique and hedonic regression assumes that a product is a bunch of qualitative characteristics (attributes). Hedonic regression allows for price decomposition into prices of individual attributes. Conjoint measurement allows for estimation of partial utilities, which may interpreted as be attached (by consumer) towards individual variants (levels) of products' attributes.
By combining two mentioned techniques - new, unique possibility arises. It is possible to predict the results of the price policy. Solid base for prediction of the price policy is guaranteed by:
- Estimated values of partial utilities, which may interpreted as be attached (by consumer) towards individual variants (levels) of products' attributes, indicate the hypothetic (predicted) weights attached in the future to the individual, qualitative attributes (precisely - the weights are attached to the levels of the attributes values).
- Estimates obtained from hedonic regression technique give the historic prices of the individual, qualitative attributes (precisely - the prices attached to the levels of the attributes values). (original abstract)
By combining two mentioned techniques - new, unique possibility arises. It is possible to predict the results of the price policy. Solid base for prediction of the price policy is guaranteed by:
- Estimated values of partial utilities, which may interpreted as be attached (by consumer) towards individual variants (levels) of products' attributes, indicate the hypothetic (predicted) weights attached in the future to the individual, qualitative attributes (precisely - the weights are attached to the levels of the attributes values).
- Estimates obtained from hedonic regression technique give the historic prices of the individual, qualitative attributes (precisely - the prices attached to the levels of the attributes values). (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Akademia Ekonomiczna we Wrocławiu
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