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The purpose of this paper was to assess the impact of demographic conditions on the labor market situation in the Kujawsko-Pomorskie voivodeship, considering the spatial dependencies prevailing in the municipality system in 2004-2015. The problem of reducing inequalities in the voivodeship's labor market was also addressed. According to the Development Strategy of the Kujawsko-Pomorskie voivodeship until 2020, the main objective is to improve the competitiveness of the voivodeship's economy which would result in increased employment, especially in the region's rural areas. This aspect of development may be affected by demographic processes (e.g. changes in the share of the working- age population in the total population). The labor market and the demographic situation in the region under consideration were assessed based on the spatial taxonomic measure of development. Panel data models were evaluated to verify the relationships between the examined aspects of regional development. Supporting the analysis was a labor market convergence model developed to verify the hypothesis of inequalities reduction in the labor market. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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