Warianty tytułu
Commercial Senior Housing - Factors Affecting their Innovativeness
Języki publikacji
Procesy demograficzne zachodzące w Polsce wymuszą na różnych grupach interesariuszy działania dostosowawcze w zakresie zmian społeczno-gospodarczych. W związku z tym coraz częściej podejmowane są dyskusje dotyczące właściwego kształtowania środowiska mieszkaniowego dedykowanego seniorom. Celem opracowania jest zaprezentowanie wyników badania pilotażowego przeprowadzonego w województwie wielkopolskim wśród mieszkańców komercyjnych domów seniora. Badania zrealizowano w celu identyfikacji z perspektywy ich mieszkańców determinant atrakcyjności i innowacyjności komercyjnych domów seniora. (abstrakt oryginalny)
The current demographic processes observed in Poland will entail numerous socio-economic changes in Poland, also in the sphere of housing. As a result, there is a heated debate in the scientific discourse on designing the ideal senior housing environment. Seniors are currently counted among an increasing group of state stakeholders in the field of social policy, which are characterized by an increasing demand for innovative services, especially in the field of senior housing. Therefore, research in this field should be intensified. The aim of the paper is to present the findings of a pilot study conducted in Greater Poland province among residents of commercial elderly nursing homes. The research allows for identification of features determining attractiveness of such premises to residents. Due to the inability to draw up a random sampling, the authors of the study decided to use non-random selection - intentional, and a questionnaire was used as a research tool. As a result of this study, a set of the most and least important factors proving the innovativeness of the comercial senior homes was obtained. Due to the fact that this research was only pilot at this stage, the next step will be to conduct in-depth research, which will allow to fully delimit the residents of the comedy homes of the senior. The result will allow you to propose solutions for this research area. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu
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