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In the market economy, market analyses have become a key instrument for defining the competitive position of industries, sectors and enterprises and a commonly used basis for formulating their marketing strategies. As regards the wood market, as is the case in many other branches, there is a relatively abundant foreign and national empirical documentation, however, most of the achievements in this field are rather cyclic and fragmentary than scientific in nature. The purpose of this work is to suggest a new methodology for estimating and analyzing the consumption of wood and wood materials across a range of applications. The proposed method relies on a set of model indicators of net wood material consumption in the finished products (end-use). The method requires the determination of the model shares of each material in main wood products and of estimates of the quantitative consumption of individual materials in representative finished products.(original abstract)
- Wood Technology Institute, Poznań, Poland
- Wood Technology Institute, Poznań, Poland
- Becker M., Marktforschung und Gemeinschaftswerbung für die Forst- und Holzwirtschaft. Methoden. Vorschläge und Beispiele, Verlag Paul Parey, Hamburg-Berlin 1968, p. 8.
- Ollmann H., Tendencje na rynku drewna i wyrobów drzewnych w Niemczech [Trends in the wood and wood products market in Germany], Przemysł Drzewny 1999, No 11, p. 3.
- Porter M.E., Strategia konkurencji. Metody analizy sektorów i konkurentów [The strategy of competition. Analysis methods of sectors and competitors], PWE, Warszawa 1992.
- Ratajczak E., Rynek drzewny. Analiza struktur przedmiotowych [The wood market. Analysis of object structures], Wydawnictwo Instytutu Technologii Drewna, Poznań 2001, p. 39.
- Ratajczak E., Gałecka A., Szostak A., Bidzińska G., Poland as market and producer of wooden garden products. In: M. Saarikivi, S. Riihonen, Suomen puuteollisuuden kilpailukyvyn parantaminen ja kansainvälistyminen piha-ja ympäristörakentamisessa, Helsingin Kauppakorkeakoulun, Julkaisuja B-49, 2003.
- Ratajczak E.. Szostak A., Bidzińska G., Gałecka A., Zastosowania podstawowych grup płyt drewnopochodnych w Polsce w latach 1996-2005 [Uses of basic groups of wood-like boards in Poland in 1996-2005], 1998, Instytut Technologii Drewna, Poznań, typescript.
- Schwarzbauer P., Structural Change in Roundwood and Forest Products Markets: Definitions, Factors and Methods, in: Analyzing Structural Changes in Roundwood and Forest Products Markets in Europe: Empirical Studies and Research Priorities, European Forest Institute Proceedings 1998, No. 26, p. 9.
- Szostak A., Bidzińska G., Wood Products Market in Poland, 2002, Instytut Technologii Drewna, Poznań, typescript.
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