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The Chosen Indicators for Measurement of Companies´ Performance
Języki publikacji
Because of changed conditions in a business there is necessity to use new and other view on measurement of companies´ performance. There are used traditional and new modern indicators for that. Nowadays, the mostly used is system of balanced indicators titled as BSC methodology - Balanced Scorecard which contains 4 areas of performance measurement - development, customer, processing and financial. An important goal of management is to understand mutual relations and impact of particular indicators on reached results what allows further forecasting of company´s future development. One of the economic and financial indicator for performance measurement is EVA - Economic Value Added. When a company has controlling managerial system and when company registers costs in the form of so called calculated interests which represent interests for loan and own operational capital then EVA indicator is already part of such a calculation.(original abstract)
Słowa kluczowe
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