Tytuł artykułu
Warianty tytułu
Determinanty cen odpadów drzewnych
Języki publikacji
Increase in wood waste prices creates enormous possibilities for improving the effectiveness of sawmills which generate big profits from selling leftovers created in the process of converting roundwood. However because of the fact that refining leftovers substantially increases their value all companies processing wood should consider converting leftovers on their premises. Without incurring any additional costs of transport they would be able to compete effectively with other producers of goods based on wood leftovers. The decision which will result in significant investment costs should be preceded by investment risk analysis which depends on location circumstances conditioning price relations. The paper analyses various factors conditioning the changes in prices of sawmill waste: seasonal character of demand and supply, inflation, Euro exchange rate as well a the general industry condition. The analysis has also taken into account Polish accession to the European Union and the new regulations concerning production of renewable energy obliging energy sector to co-burning biomass with other fuels(original abstract)
Słowa kluczowe
- Akademia Rolnicza w Poznaniu
- Badanie koniunktury. Koniunktura w przemyśle, budownictwie, handlu i usługach w grudniu 2005 r. GUS. Warszawa, 2005-12-22.
- Czemko B. 2006: Warunki obrotu drewnem okrągłym sprzedawanym przez Lasy Państwowe muszą być zmienione. Rynek drzewny 1.
- GUS 2000-2005.
- Mikołajczak E.: Analysis of wood waste prices in years 2000-2005. "Intercathedra '2006", No 22, Bulletin of Plant-Economic Departments of the European Wood Technology University Studies. Poznań
- Mikołajczak E., Karlikowski W. 2005: Sawmill wood residues balance including refining process. "Intercathedra '2005", No 21, Bulletin of Plant - Economic Departments of the European Wood Technology University Studies. Poznań 2005, s. 170-173, tab.1, rys.3, poz. bibl. 4.
- Rynek drzewny. Kwartalnik IV/1999 - I/2006. Dane statystyczne.
-, 2.11.2005
-, 07.2006
Typ dokumentu
Identyfikator YADDA