t. 17, z. 9, cz. 2 Finansowe i organizacyjne aspekty kooperacji nauki i lokalnej przedsiębiorczości - badania i analizy. Część II
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Building competitiveness of the region requires not only the support of business and R&D, with these two entities cooperating between each other, but above all the creation of a functioning system for all entities that contribute to enhancing the investment attractiveness of modern business services areas. This system is based on the cooperation of entities representing three groups: universities, business and public administration. The cooperation of these three areas is referred to in the literature as the Triple Helix Model. The presence of large players in priority industries is a response to the challenges faced by investment destinations in Poland. Business services centres strive to the role of tycoon by building their capacities and dimensions of investment attractiveness. One dimension of investment attractiveness is the cooperation between public administration, universities and business, creating synergy effects that define the added value for BPO centres in the form of cumulative investment. The overriding objective, which is the development of the city, brings together all partner groups. Common and consistent actions are to attract new investors to the city, and the offered support is to encourage the creation of innovative projects. This article aims to analyze the functioning of the triple helix model in the investment destination located in eastern Poland. Hypothesis: the development and functioning of the triple helix model increases the competitiveness of the investment selected destinations investment. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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