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The interest in retirement planning is increasingly brought to common people's attention due to demographic aging of population and better financial literacy level these days. In this study we analyze the level of financial literacy among Slovak university students in relation to further pension decisions and financial behavior overall. The primary aim of this research was to compare the level of financial literacy among the selected faculties of economics in Slovakia. The analytical part was oriented on evaluation of financial behavior of the respondents and their skills in terms of financial literacy concept along with the analysis of the correlative data dependence of the selected variables and their intensity by using the Logit model. At first, the results have shown a statistically significant dependency of financial literacy on the respondents' gender. Female respondents reached higher financial literacy than male ones. Older students did not achieve higher level of financial literacy as compared to younger students. Students do not look ahead and most of them do not calculate how much they need to save for their retirement. The results of the presented research provide important information for policy makers who should reflect on the present status of this issue in Slovakia. (original abstract)
- Technical University of Kosice, Slovakia
- Technical University of Kosice, Slovakia
- Technical University of Kosice, Slovakia
- LIGS University LLC, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
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