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Strategy, Competitiveness and Leadership in a Family Small Business : Case Study
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Research exploratory and qualitative type is presented by a case study of the importance of leadership in the strategy and competitiveness of a Family Small Business. The research question was: what is the relationship between strategy, competitiveness and leadership in a Family Small Business? The purpose of this study was to determine the type of strategy, levels of competitiveness and leadership style of a Family Small Business. The research was conducted using a semi structure depth interview to the leader of a family business. The content analysis results allow us to infer and conclude that leadership and strategy have been identified as important factors for the competitiveness of the Small Business. It aims to deepen the understanding and development of these variables by a future quantitative research to investigate this relationship in family enterprises. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Universidad de Guanajuato, Meksyk
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