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The article presents the development of the foodservice industry in major cities in Poland. The paper uses secondary sources of information such as data of the Central Statistical Office (CSO), business reports, and industry newsletters and publications. The research period was the years 2000-2015. A comparative method was applied to the analysis of the data and material collected. Analysis shows that foodservice businesses form one of the most vigorous sectors in Poland. The number of foodservice enterprises changed in every year since the start of analysis in 2000. Also in more recent years the revenue from foodservice activity grew significantly. The development of foodservice enterprises differs between cities in Poland, and is affected by various factors whose interrelations with it are correlated in different ways. Intensive development is particularly often found in major cities (metropolises), where residents earn higher than average incomes, and in attractive tourist destinations. The geographic distribution of foodservice enterprises in the regions of Poland is uneven: the highest concentration of enterprises is in the Mazowieckie voivodeship. Warsaw, capital of Poland takes first place in the country in terms of the number of foodservice enterprises. Foodservice enterprises have shown a significant improvement in quality and variety of services.(original abstract)
- University of Lodz, Poland
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