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Firms are constantly looking for ways leading to competitive advantage creation. Such advantage may be embedded on business success potentials including resources, capabilities and competences. From business competitive advantage perspective, the most significant potentials are competences. The effective and efficient exploitation of the competences may contribute to the achievement of the expected market and economic outcomes by the firm. Such outcomes are the symptoms of business success and the basis for business competitive advantage creation. In recent years one may notice an increasing significance of logistics seen as the crucial factor (or set of factors) of a firm success as well as business competitive advantage creation. The purpose of the article is to express the most important characteristics of logistics competences as the core competences of a firm in the context of the sustained, long-term business competitive advantage creation. The article is based on the literature review concerning the growing significance of a firm's core competences as well as the possibilities of logistics competences exploitation in business competitive advantage creation.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Opole University, Poland
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