t. 17, z. 2, cz. 3 W stronę różnorodności - nowe wyzwania w zarządzaniu organizacją i potencjałem społecznym
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Języki publikacji
The aim of this article is to point out the consequences of population ageing to the nursing profession. Additionally, it attempts to seek constructive solutions aiming at increasing young nurses' retention in profession index, and on the other hand, retaining nurses aged 50+ at work as long as possible. Mentoring and inter-mentoring might serve as beneficial means to achieve these aims, with limitations in mind. The article presents results of empirical studies (N=120) referring to 50+ nurses' competence self-assessment and peer assessment in the areas of assisting with personal hygiene and basic surgical interventions, ability to pass information to patients, showing support and empathy to the patient, IT skills and medical devices use as well as professional skills adequate to performing the nurse's work. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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