t. 17, z. 2, cz. 3 W stronę różnorodności - nowe wyzwania w zarządzaniu organizacją i potencjałem społecznym
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The article contains analysys of interpersonal communication, including business communication and shows its strong dependence not only on the process of constructing messages, but also on the process of decoding meanings by viewers. Ability to adapt the structure and content of the message to the characteristics and expectations of the particular viewers groups may significantly affect the efficiency and accuracy of the communication process. Main obstacle to universal acceptance of messages meanings by different audiences are shaped primarily by cultural differences manifested on many levels during communication process. This article aim is to analyze the role of the mindreading technique in particular aspects of the communication process as well as to identify the impact on this technique caused by intercultural differences and similarities. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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