t. 17, z. 2, cz. 3 W stronę różnorodności - nowe wyzwania w zarządzaniu organizacją i potencjałem społecznym
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The aim of the deliberations was to distinguish the relationship between internal and external team learning versus team innovations in the conditions of moderating variable occurrence in the form of gender. The research was carried out in a large company producing cast iron items. The analysis of the results leads to the following conclusions. Firstly, there is a positive relationship between internal team learning and team innovations; whereas there is no such relationship between external team learning and an independent variable. Secondly, women and men react differently to internal team learning. As far as women are concerned, team innovations are not affected by internal team learning; whereas in men this phenomenon is observed. Thus, it is only in men that the factor of gender is statistically significant in moderating the effect of internal team learning on a dependent variable. (original abstract)
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