t. 17, z. 2, cz. 3 W stronę różnorodności - nowe wyzwania w zarządzaniu organizacją i potencjałem społecznym
Tytuł artykułu
Warianty tytułu
Diversity Management in Polish Organizations
Języki publikacji
Celem artykułu jest identyfikacja stanu wdrożenia i rozwiązań w zakresie zarządzania różnorodnością w organizacjach biorących udział w XVI edycji Konkursu Lider Zarządzania Zasobami Ludzkimi oraz ustalenie korzyści wynikających w tej dziedzinie dla innych instytucji działających w warunkach polskich. (fragment tekstu)
Diversity management is relatively new strategy arouses more and more interest and appreciated in well-managed companies, while still a small extent present in other organizations. Based on the experience of the XVIth Edition of the Human Resources Management Leader Competition, one of the oldest functioning on the Polish market in the field of human resource management, an attempt to identify the main trend of the diversity management in organizations operating in Poland. The objective of the present paper is to assess the degree of implementation of diversity management at organizations participated in HRM Lider Competition. The empirical material contained in this article was gathered through interviews with the management of HR departments surveyed companies, analysis of documents and the results of the quantitative-qualitative competition questionnaire and reports of audits during the competition procedure HRM. The primary method of achieving the objective of this study was the method of deduction, and the individual elements of the survey the competition became the basis for the study. It describes different forms of definitions of diversity management, as well as opinions on benefits it brings It revealed that many companies do not manage diversity in a full strategic way. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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Typ dokumentu
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