t. 17, z. 2, cz. 2 Znaczenie kapitału intelektualnego w zarządzaniu nowoczesną organizacją
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The authors have been currently researching how social enterprise organisations manage themselves and share their Situated Learning. This paper presents the research, its methodology and some preliminary findings. The authors have studied nearly 14 Social Enterprise Organisations over the last 5 years. These groups (in England and Poland) were chosen purposively as self-starting Communities of Practice, operating with the specific agenda. Semi-structured qualitative interviews have been undertaken so far with over 25 individuals, in 2 countries and very different sectors, including campaigns, health and social care support and even a village festival. The early results have demonstrated a perceived need to transfer knowledge between members and share this with the world outside. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Leeds Metropolitan University
- University of Bielsko-Biala
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