t. 17, z. 10, cz. 3 Zarządzanie w zdrowiu publicznym - aspekty społeczne i ekonomiczne
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Attitudes of Medical Students in Ukraine towards Smoking as a Main Factor in the Effective Management of Health of the Population
Języki publikacji
Celem badania była analiza postaw i opinii ukraińskich studentów wydziału lekarskiego wobec zakazu palenia papierosów w miejscach publicznych, roli lekarza w procesie rzucania palenia oraz samoocena uzyskanych w czasie studiów praktycznych umiejętności w zakresie poradnictwa antytytoniowego. (fragment tekstu)
Aim of the study was the analysis of the attitudes and opinions the Ukrainian medical students on smoking ban in the public places, the role of the health provider in the process of quitting, and practical skills in anti-tobacco counseling obtained during studies. The Global Health Professions Student Survey (GHPSS) in Ukraine was conducted among 2973 medical students in 2010-2013. 33.8% of medical students declared current tobacco smoking, the half of students were exposed to secondhand tobacco smoke at home, and nearly 3/4 in public places. 77.6% of students supported the ban on smoking in all public places. More than 66% of students expressed the opinion that the physician plays an important role in shaping the attitudes of patients and anti-tobacco consueling, in addition, over 93% of students said that the physician plays an important role in providing quitting advice. Similarly about 66% of the students think that the patients have more chances to quit smoking if they are advised by health professional. Only 25.8% of students declared that they received specific training on smoking cessation techniques during their studies. In this group the chance of being smoker was significantly lower. In the group of students who opted for support for a smoking ban in all public places, risks of being a smoker was lower. There is a need to efficiently train and oblige students to participate in activities of anti-tobacco counseling, so that doctors can fully carry out its tasks in the future, not only therapeutic but also preventive. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Uniwersytet Medyczny w Łodzi
- Uniwersytet Medyczny w Łodzi
- Uniwersytet Medyczny w Łodzi
- Uniwersytet Medyczny w Łodzi
- Uniwersytet Medyczny w Łodzi
- Uniwersytet Medyczny w Łodzi
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