t. 15, z. 12, cz. 1 Organizacja i zarządzanie wyzwaniem dla pielęgniarek i położnych w nowoczesnej Europie - Cz. 1
Tytuł artykułu
Warianty tytułu
Acceptance and Mental Adaptation to Cancer
Języki publikacji
Celem pracy była próba poznania wpływu wybranych czynników socjodemograficznych na stopień akceptacji choroby i wybór strategii przystosowania psychicznego do choroby nowotworowej. (fragment tekstu)
Purpose of the paper. Assessment of preferred strategies for dealing with cancer is useful at every stage of treatment and rehabilitation. The aim of this study was to know the degree of acceptance and mental adaptation to the style of cancer in patients during cancer therapy.
Material and methods: The study involved 76 patients who were in the process of oncological treatment. The study used Acceptance of Illness Scale (AIS) and the scale of the Mental Adjustment to Cancer Diseases Mini - Mac.
The results and conclusions of the study: Analysis of the results of own research has shown that women diagnosed with cancer have higher preoccupation with anxiety (2.14), as well as frequently engaged in positive revaluation (4.87) than men. The analysis of the Student t test for independent samples show that people with the support of the family more accepting of disease (2.04) than those without such support, have less preoccupation with anxiety (3.29), as well as smaller sense of helplessness and hopelessness (5.09) than those who do not have the support of loved ones.(original abstract)
Material and methods: The study involved 76 patients who were in the process of oncological treatment. The study used Acceptance of Illness Scale (AIS) and the scale of the Mental Adjustment to Cancer Diseases Mini - Mac.
The results and conclusions of the study: Analysis of the results of own research has shown that women diagnosed with cancer have higher preoccupation with anxiety (2.14), as well as frequently engaged in positive revaluation (4.87) than men. The analysis of the Student t test for independent samples show that people with the support of the family more accepting of disease (2.04) than those without such support, have less preoccupation with anxiety (3.29), as well as smaller sense of helplessness and hopelessness (5.09) than those who do not have the support of loved ones.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
- Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
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Typ dokumentu
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