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The chapter is limited to a discussion of economic transition and specifically addresses such issues as the socio-economic model of development to be adopted and how to achieve that adoption. Such an econo-centric approach is based on the assumption that using the contribution of analysts of comparative economic systems enables greater consideration of differences between economic systems defined as sets of "mechanisms and institutions for decision-making and the implementation of decisions concerning production, income, and consumption within a given geographic area". Differences between those elements in market-economy countries and transition economies have a strong effect on public relations strategies and practices in all countries in transition. (...) The argument, based on case studies of Poland and Hungary, has two main aims. The first is to analyze the role of international public relations and the competition between Western developed countries striving to impose the model most suitable for their political and socio-economic development interests. The second aim is to present the arguments for the more home-grown radical and unorthodox reforms of the Victor Orban government in Hungary. This approach should be also considered as filling a gap in the critical public relations body of scholarship because it has failed to take into consideration the specificity of the political and socio-economic environment of post-socialist/communist countries. (fragment of text)
Opis fizyczny
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