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Many agro-technical factors are of great importance concerning the amount of crop in corn production. One of these factors is nutrient supply. Plants are supplied with macro-, meso - and microelements. Nowadays cultivated plants cannot always obtain enough microelements from the soil, therefore the importance of foliar fertilization increased. Applied at the right time, foliar fertilization might increase the resistance of corn against biotic and abiotic factors as well. In the experiment the authors examined the effect of three foliar fertilizer products and their combinations on the important elements of the crop development of corn, and their application from economic point of view. The experiment was set in three repeats in random blocks on meadow soil in 2015. The nitrogen supply of the soil is good, the phosphorus and potassium supply is very good, however the zinc content of the soil is low. The corn yield without foliar fertilisation was 6.39 t/ha. The highest yields were achieved after the following treatments: Amalgerol + Fitohorm Turbo Zn (7.50 t/ha), Fitohorm Turbo Zn (7.35 t/ha), and Algafix + Fitohorm Turbo Zn (6.94 t/ha). Treatments with products containing Zn resulted in the best amounts of yields indicating that the low Zn levels of the soil in this area might hinder a higher corn yield. The Zn uptake might be hindered by the too much phosphorus in the soil because of the antagonism between the two elements. As for the generative factors, the results of the treatments with Algafix and Fitohorm Turbo Zn were the best. Based on the economic evaluation, it was the experiment with Fitohorm Turbo Zn treatment that provided the highest profit (24,455 HUF/ha). In addition, applying Algafix treatment turned out to be also profitable (470 HUF/ha). The results of the test concern the conditions of the experimental area. As for other areas, soil tests and, where possible, plant tests should be made to select the best available foliar fertilizer products. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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