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Since there's a race for customers on the market of the consumer goods, cities of the 21st century compete for the inhabitants, tourists, investors and companies. In this competition the image and good reputation of the city, their conscious framing is one of the biggest feats of arms. The economy of the dynamically developing city, Győr is based after several system changes on the automobile industry. Its main leg is the important international company with headquarter in Győr since 1993, the Audi Hungaria Zrt. (AH). As results of the research analysing the marketing communicational print and film tools of the company and the city, the author tried to figure out, how the AH and the city interact in their corporate communication, in their reputation. (original abstract)
- Széchenyi István University, Győr, Hungary
- Széchenyi István University, Győr, Hungary
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