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Political-Economic Theories and Models of the Mechanism of Functioning of the Modern Capitalist Economy
Języki publikacji
W latach siedemdziesiątych i na początku lat osiemdziesiątych skuteczność keynesowskiej polityki stabilizacji uległa względnemu obniżeniu, czego wyrazem były trwałe zjawiska stagflacyjne. Pogorszenie się ogólnej sytuacji gospodarczej spowodowało wzrost zainteresowania badaniami nad mechanizmem funkcjonowania współczesnej gospodarki kapitalistycznej, teoretycznymi przesłankami polityki stabilizacji, a także szeroko pojmowanej efektywności tejże polityki. W ramach wielkiej debaty teoretycznej nad tymi problemami, obok trzech głównych szkół w zachodniej myśli ekonomicznej, tj. szeroko rozumianego nurtu keynesowskiego, szkoły monetarystycznej oraz tzw. nowej klasycznej ekonomii (nazywanej często teorią racjonalnych oczekiwań) rozwinął się nurt badawczy określany jako teoria politycznych cykli koniunkturalnych. Prekursorem teorii politycznego cyklu koniunkturalnego jest Michał Kalecki. (fragment tekstu)
In the seventies and at the beginning of the eighties the effectiveness of the Keynesian stabilization policy was relatively lowered. Worsening of the general economic situation contributed towards the development of studies on the theoretical premises of the stabilization policy, including studies on the broadly understood efectiveness of this policy. Within the framework of big theoretical debate over these problems, apart from the broadly understood Keynesian trend, monetarist school, and the so-called new classical macroeconomies (often called the theory of rational expectations), there developed a research trend defined as a theory of political business cycles. Political economic model is the basic Instrument of analysis in this research trend. It is used to determine the interdependencies between the economic system and the political organization of the society. The paper has a character of introduction to the problems of modelling of these interdependencies, with particular regard to the influence of the election mechanism on the process of determining the macro economic policy. The main characteristics and the construction of political economic models as well as the theoretical mechanism of generating election business cycles were discussed in the paper. It was pointed out that inclusion of the government in the model of the economic policy, contributes towards fuller presentation of the real macroeconomic interdependencies. (original abstract)
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
- B.S. Frey, F. Schneider, A Politico-Economic Model of the United Kingdom, The Economic Journal, 1978, vol. 88.
- B.S. Frey, F. Schneider, An Empirical Study of Politico-Economic Interaction in the United States, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 1978, vol. LX.
- B.S. Frey, Moderne Politische Okonomie, Munchen, 1977.
- C.D. MacRae, A Political Model of the Business Cycle, Journal of Political Economy, 1977, vol. 85.
- E.R. Tufte, Political Control of the Economy, Princeton 1978.
- G. Locksley, The Political Business Cycle: Alternative Interpretations, w: P. Whiteley (red.). Models of Political Economy, London 1980.
- J. Akerman, Political Economic Cycle, Kyklos, 1947, vol. 1.
- J.E. Alt, J.T. Wooley, Reaction Functions, Optimization and Politics: Modelling the Political Economy of Macroeconomic Policy, American Journal of Political Science, 1982, vol. 26.
- M. Kalecki, Kapitalizm, koniunktura i zatrudnienie, Dzieła tom 1, PAN, PWE-Warszawa 1979.
- M. Kalecki, Political Aspects of Full Employment, The Political Quarterly, 1943, t. XIV nr 4.
- M. Paldam, An Essay on the Rationality of Economic Policy: The Test-case of the Electional Cycle, Public Choice, 1981, vol. 37.
- M. Paldam, Is There an Electional Cycle? A Comparative Study of National Accounts, The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 1979, vol.81.
- O.E. Alt, K.A. Chrystal, Political Economics, Brighton 1983.
- R. Boddy, J. Crotty, Class Conflict and Macro-policy: The Political Business Cycle, Review of Radical Political Economics, 1975, vol. 7.
- W.D. Nordhaus, The Political Business Cycle, The Review of Economic Studies, 1975, vol. XLII.
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