Warianty tytułu
Forest Areas Stimulating the Development of Tourism
Języki publikacji
Celem opracowania jest przedstawienie znaczenia obszarów leśnych dla potencjalnego turysty, jak i osób zainteresowanych produktami ubocznymi i wypoczynkiem na takim terenie (fragment tekstu)
The biggest challenge facing the development of tourism in forest areas is to acquire the human factor that decisively affects the development of tourism in forest areas and existing tourist attractions. Forest areas have unique and unique tourist attractions, which should be properly utilized. The development of tourism creates opportunities of economic activation of many economic units, as well as areas with a particularly high degree of afforestation. Forest areas have many advantages in terms of health and, therefore, the organization of tourism in this area is simply desirable. This article attempts to indicate how valuable it can be forest areas in the development of tourism for the proper utilization and management. The study used the method of observation and critical analysis of literature. In various parts of the country observed forest areas, which are not used in terms of tourism and recreation, and quite often are located near urban areas or cities. And their exploitation can improve physical and mental health of society. (original abstract)
Słowa kluczowe
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Typ dokumentu
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